FE-AGA8-Part2 ReadMe
Ver. 1.00, Jul 15, 2021.
FE-AGA8-Part2 is a program for MS Windows.
FE-AGA8-Part2 calculates the properties of a natural gas in accordance with:
- AGA8 Report No. 8, Part 2
Thermodynamic Properties of Natural Gas and Related Gases -
GERG–2008 Equation of State
First Edition April 2017
- ISO 14912:2003
Gas analysis - Conversion of gas mixture composition data
Download "fe_aga8p2.exe", the latest version of self-extracting and self-installing demo program. Run "fe_aga8p2.exe" and follow the on-screen instructions. The default folder for installation is
C:\Program Files (x86)\FE_AGA8-Part2.
Note: The text box for Methane is locked in unregistered version and can not be changed but you can still verify all the possibilities and options of registered FE-AGA8-Part2 software.
After completing the installation run the program using the
'Start' menu of your task bar or double click the fe_aga8_part2.exe
from your Windows Explorer.
To start the calculation select 'Calculate' from 'Run' menu of your
FE_AGA8-Part2 menu bar.
To save the file select 'Save As' from FE_AGA8-Part2 'File' menu. The
default file extension is '.i22'
To open the existing file select 'Open' from FE_AGA8-Part2 'File' menu.
To print the results of the calculation to your system printer
select 'Print' from FE_AGA8-Part2 'File' menu.
To print the calculation results into ASCII file select
'Print ASCII to File' from FE_AGA8-Part2 'File' menu.
The following are the ranges of application (RAP) for input parameters:
Parameter |
Ranges |
Range of application (RAP) |
R1 |
R2 |
R3 |
Absolute Pressure in MPa |
>0 to 35 |
>0 to 70 |
>0 to 70 |
Temperature in K |
90 to 450 |
60 to 700 |
60 to 700 |
Mole fractions:
Methane |
0.7 to 1 |
0.3 to 1 |
0 to 1 |
Nitrogen |
0 to 0.2 |
0 to 0.55 |
0 to 1 |
Carbon dioxide |
0 to 0.2 |
0 to 0.3 |
0 to 1 |
Ethane |
0 to 0.1 |
0 to 0.25 |
0 to 1 |
Propane |
0 to 0.035 |
0 to 0.14 |
0 to 1 |
n-Butane+Isobutane |
0 to 0.015 |
0 to 0.06 |
0 to 1 |
n-Pentane+Isopentane |
0 to 0.005 |
0 to 0.005 |
0 to 1 |
n-Hexane |
0 to 0.001 |
0 to 0.002 |
0 to 1 |
n-Heptane |
0 to 0.0005 |
0 to 0.001 |
0 to 1 |
n-Octane+n-Nonane+n-Decane |
0 to 0.0005 |
0 to 0.0005 |
0 to 1 |
Hydrogen |
0 to 0.1 |
0 to 0.40 |
0 to 1 |
Oxigen |
0 to 0.0002 |
0 to 0.02 |
0 to 1 |
Carbon Monoxide |
0 to 0.03 |
0 to 0.13 |
0 to 1 |
Water |
0 to 0.00015 |
0 to 0.0002 |
0 to 1 |
Hydrogen Sulfide |
0 to 0.0002 |
0 to 0.27 |
0 to 1 |
Helium |
0 to 0.005 |
0 to 0.005 |
0 to 1 |
Argon |
0 to 0.0002 |
0 to 0.0005 |
0 to 1 |
The ranges of applications defined by R1 and R2 are completely in
accordance with FE_AGA8-Part2:2017.
Mole fraction ranges defined by R3 are not in accordance with
AGA8-Part2:2017 and can be used only to validate the test examples,
which do not satisfy the mole fraction ranges defined by R1 or R2..
In FE_AGA8-Part2 a gas mixture analysis may be given in form of:
- Mole fractions
- Mass fractions
- Volume fractions at 100 kPa, 288.15 K
Note that mass or volume fractions may differ significantly from mole
fractions for the same gas mixture.
A sum of fractions of gas components must be between 0.999999 and 1.000001.
If mass- or volume-fractions are given they will be internally converted
to mole fractions during program execution, according to ISO-14912:2003,
which then must satisfy the above mole fractions ranges.
We recommend the use of mole-, rather than mass- or volume-fractions, as
the AGA8-Part2:2017 calculation procedures are based on mole-fractions
The following calculation methods are implemented in FE_AGA8-Part2:
A) Calculation based on: P, T and gas components fractions
B) Calculation based on: density, T and gas components fractions
C) Calculation based on: reduced density, T and gas components fractions
Regardless of the selected calculation method A), B) or C), the following
input variables to FE_AGA8-Part2 are common to all calculation methods:
- Temperature [K]
- Fractions of natural gas components
The results, common to all calculation methods, are:
- Error status
- Molar mass [kg/kmol]
- Molar density [kmol/m3]
- Compressibility factor []
- Molar Gibbs free energy [kJ/kmol]
- Molar internal energy [kJ/kmol]
- Specific internal energy [kJ/kg]
- Molar enthalpy [kJ/kmol]
- Specific enthalpy [kJ/kg]
- Molar entropy [kJ/(kmol⋅K)]
- Specific entropy [kJ/(kg⋅K)]
- Molar isochoric heat capacity [kJ/(kmol⋅K)]
- Specific isochoric heat capacity [kJ/(kg⋅K)]
- Molar isobaric heat capacity [kJ/(kmol⋅K)]
- Specific isobaric heat capacity [kJ/(kg⋅K)]
- Joule-Thomson coefficient [K/MPa]
- Isentropic exponent []
- Speed of sound [m/s]
Depending on the calculation method the following parameters
could be input variables or results
- Absolute pressure [MPa]
- Density [kg/m3]
- Reduced density []
In case of calculation method A), absolute pressure is the input
variable while the density and reduced density are the results.
In case of calculation method B), the density is the input variable
while absolute pressure and reduced density are the results.
In case of calculation method C), the reduced density is the input
variable while absolute pressure and density are the results.
Before starting the calculation choose the corresponding calculation
method, the ranges of application, the type of gas mixture
analysis, and enter the input variables.
To convert your FE_AGA8-Part2 demo program into fully functional
version you need to
buy the corresponding
After buying the license you will receive email with registration data,
which will enable you to unlock your demo and convert
it into the fully functional registered version.
To register the program, Run FE_AGA8-Part2 as
Select'Register' from 'Help' menu of your FE_AGA8-Part2 menu bar
and enter data exactly as described in the corresponding e-mail
This program is furnished under the
license agreement and
is protected by copyright law and international treaties.
You can
download and try FELIB demonstration programs. Each demo-software is prepared as self-extracting and self-installing program for MS Windows environments.